Monday, December 2, 2013

Fastination culture
We are humans who live under ground, we solemnly speak fastination, no other language is allowed to be spoken in our culture. Because we are an advanced culture the only ones allowed to speak any other language are the fastinations which are our superiors, they are allowed to speak English amongst themselves. They discuses any important governmental issues amongst themselves in English because no one else understands that language but them. We distinguish our superiors from the rest because they are all over 300 pounds, and the rest of us are from 200 to 250 pounds. We must all wear headbands, but only our superiors are allowed to wear crystals on their headbands, because this is a sign of wealth and of social class. Our culture is based on high end fashion, we must all be put together at all times of the day, that is another way we are identified. Not only is fashion seen as a sign of beauty but being 200 to 250 pounds is what we believe to be beautiful and healthy. The bigger you are the healthier and wealthier you are, but you can not reach or exceed 300 pounds only the fastinations can, if you exceed those pounds you will be punished. We do not have much laws, being that we believe that people should be free and responsible for their actions, so when a rule is broken brutal consequences are faces by the lawbreaker. We only have a few laws in our civilization which are as follows: No one can be caught in last season’s trends, because we are a civilization that values fashion more than anything. One should never questions their superiors which are the fastinations being that they are the fountain of knowledge that cannot be disobeyed. You are allowed to get married with whoever you wish, under no circumstances much your freedom of marriage be obstructed. No family is allowed to have more than two kids, if they have more they are forced to give them up for adoption. Everyone must have a job, at least one person per household, because the government is not going to financially support anyone. We do not have money our form of buying things is through trade, we give people jewels for the exchange of whatever product we want. Everyone must own a car, because walking long distances can make you thin, and if you are thin you are not longer part of our culture you loose your identity. No one is allowed to kill, the fastinations are the only ones allowed to take someone’s life unnaturally. Those are the only rules we have, and must be obeyed. When someone dies in our culture, we do not burry them, we burn them with all of their cloths because we all were born with fashion, lived with fashion, therefore we must die with fashion. Man and woman both are seen the same and valued the same, no one is more superior, the only superior people in our culture are the fastinations. We do not have a class system, everyone is born with wealth because it is a law that everyone must work. Our school system is all about the fashion industry, only those chosen by the fastinations are allowed to be doctors, lawyers, judges, construction workers, plumbers, and so on. This however does not mean that you have more money than those working in the fashion industry, because we have no social classes. To make sure that there is not infidelity in our culture all those who get married man and woman must get a tattoo on their wrist big enough to distinguish them from those who are single, and those who are not married are not allowed to tattoo their wrist. However, we are allowed to get a divorce if we wish to, the only thing that you have to do before you get a divorce is to go through the pain of covering your tattoo with a skin color tattoo, if you fail to do this you cannot get divorced from your spouse. It is illegal to smoke in our civilization because smoking harms the lungs, so the sell and importation of cigarettes is illegal and could be punished with death. We are a very technology oriented culture, we have the latest technology before anyone else, but there are restrictions with our technology. You are only allowed to be on your electronic devices six hours out of the 24 hours that the day contains, because we do not want to be too focused on technology and begin to take fashion and those who surround us for granted. Everyone in our culture knows how to design their own cloths, they do not have to but it adds uniqueness to their style, the only thing is if they are designing something the fastinations must approve of it before they are allowed to wear it. By the cloths that people design for themselves you know if they are conservative, funny, wild, sexy, or simply classic. All woman must wear make up during the day, because make up for woman goes hand in hand with being put together, their look is not complete without the makeup it is part of the fashion. Men are not allowed to have beards, only the homeless are allowed to have beards as that is a sign of being poor, a criminal, and dirty. This is because they ended up being homeless because they broke the law. Something else that gets done to criminals is plastic surgery, they are made to weigh only 100 pounds in order to be distinguished, weighing 100 pounds is another sign of being a criminal, and it is seen as not being beautiful. We the fastinations eat all kinds of foods, but what distinguishes our food is that it is extremely spicy. We add spices to all of our foods, because we believe that the spicier the food the better the taste and the more we can eat. We do not eat with our hands we must always use a knife a fork and a spoon, only those who are homeless because they are criminals can eat with their hands. We do not welcome new people to our culture because we do not know if they can be trusted, they may simply be trying to steal our unique designs.

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